Items where Year is 2014

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Group by: Creators | Projects | No Grouping
Number of items: 107.

Commonity -- Fælledskab

Christensen, P (2014) People and Biogas: A manual on citizen involvement -- Folk og Biogas: En manual for borgerindragelse. Manual. Implement.

Fisher, E (2014) Legal limitations to clean community energy. Project Report. Surf Coast Shire.

ISEP, - (2014) Fukushima Community Power Declaration -- 福島コミュニティパワー宣言. In: Japan Community Power Conference, Feb. 2014, Fukushima.

ISEP, - (2014) Schedule: Community Power Conference 2014 in Fukushima. In: Japan Community Power Conference, Feb. 2014, Fukushima.

Education -- Uddannelse

Jespersen, SL (2014) Kunsten at forske hos Samsø Energiakademi. [Video]

Kartholm, E (2014) Ansvar for egen udvikling. FM Update.

Larsen, G (2014) Baggrundsartikel: Fælles nordisk efteruddannelse i bæredygtig omstilling for voksne.

Larsen, G and Lundén, M (2014) Pressemeddelelse: Ny nordisk efteruddannelse i bæredygtighed for voksne. Pressemeddelelse.

Lundén, M (2014) COA IslandInstitute. [Video]

Lundén, M and Hermansen, S and Svendsen, S (2014) Evaluation and reflection from the Nordic Pilot educational program hosted in Denmark at the Energy Academy. Nordic Pilot.

Martinus, J (2014) Grøn hverdag. Landsorganisationen Grøn Hverdag (3).

Sanchez, M (2014) La aldea del futuro. MásDeco.

Svendsen, S (2014) Futures and sustainabilities Perspectives and Tools. In: Nordic Pilot.


Jantzen, J. and Kristensen, M. (2014) Household Energy Checks. International Journal of Engineering and Management, 6 (2). pp. 73-90. ISSN 0975-4490

Energy Ambassadors

Jantzen, J. and Kristensen, M. (2014) Household Energy Checks. International Journal of Engineering and Management, 6 (2). pp. 73-90. ISSN 0975-4490

Energy Island

ARTE, - (2014) Merete : L'énergie est l'affaire de tous - Sacrée croissance - ARTE. [Video]

What's Up Productions, - (2014) ENERGY ACADEMY SAMSO. [Video]

Energy check -- Energitjek

Klima Kompasset, - (2014) Klimakompasset: Tjeklister til virksomheder. Manual. Københavns Kommune.

Kristensen, M and Jantzen, J (2014) Energiberegnere: Sænk nattetemperaturen og spar penge på energiregningen. Night Hawks.

Kristensen, M and Jantzen, J (2014) Energitjek i butikker: Kursushåndbog. Project Report. Night Hawks.

Kristensen, M and Jantzen, J (2014) Night Hawks spørgeskemaer. In: Energitjek i butikker.

Europæisk Kulturhovedstad

Stoltenborg, Trine Balskilde (2014) DNA'et Kulturhovedstad 2017 Rethink bæredygtighed. In: Kulturringen, 18. september 2014, Samsø Energiakademi.

Fossil Free Island -- Fossilfri Ø

Alley, R (2014) "Yes, In My BackYard" -- aka YIMBY! [Video]

Beomil, K (2014) Green Post Korea. [Video]

Dower, M (2014) Report on the conference. In: Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative, Feb. 2014, Brussels.

Energy Academy, - (2014) Local energy at Samsoe -- Lokal energi på Samsø. Documentation. Samso Energy Academy.

Fisher, E (2014) Legal limitations to clean community energy. Project Report. Surf Coast Shire.

Grundfos, - (2014) Green golf course is powered by the sun -- Solens stråler giver liv til grøn golfbane. [Video]

ISEP, - (2014) Schedule: Community Power Conference 2014 in Fukushima. In: Japan Community Power Conference, Feb. 2014, Fukushima.

Kartholm, E (2014) Ansvar for egen udvikling. FM Update.

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) El-biler på Samsø: Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) Fossil Free Island -- Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

Lundén, M and Larsen, G (2014) Energy Academy Info Folder -- Energiakademiet info folder. Discussion Paper. The Energy Academy.

Mutti, G (2014) Samsø: A Renewable Energy Island. [Video]

SMILEGOV, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy: Samsø island (Denmark). [Video]

Sanchez, M (2014) La aldea del futuro. MásDeco.

Urban, N and Demeo, A (2014) Nick Urban - Internship: Samsø's Energy Academy. [Video]

What's Up Productions, - (2014) ENERGY ACADEMY SAMSO: Portrait of Søren Hermansen. [Video]

Wolffbrandt, S (2014) Bæredygtig Festival 2014. In: Bæredygtig Festival 2014, 31 May - 02 Jun, Samsø.

aeidl, - (2014) 25 Promising Initiatives. In: Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative, Feb. 2014, Brussels.

Grøn Ambassade

Larsen, G and Olesen, SS (2014) Dokumentation: Grøn ambassade. In: Grøn Ambassade, København.

Lundén, M and Larsen, G (2014) Invitation: Grøn ambassade. In: Grøn Ambassade, København.


Christensen, P (2014) People and Biogas: A manual on citizen involvement -- Folk og Biogas: En manual for borgerindragelse. Manual. Implement.

Lecture by Soren Hermansen on the Nordic Pilot education

Hermansen, S (2014) Creating Healthy, Stable, Equitable, Safe, Prosperous Sustainable Communities. In: Nordic Pilot, November, Samsø Energiakademi.

Lecture by Søren Hermansen

Hermansen, S (2014) Sustain the Community - From Creating Healthy, Stable, Equitable, Safe, Prosperous Sustainable Communities. In: Nordic Pilot, November, Samsø Energiakademi.

Local Campaign

Lundén, ML and Svenning, ESZ (2014) Danish and foreign students are working with sustainable development on Samsø. Danish and foreign students are working with sustainable development on Samsø.


Larsen, G (2014) Reflektions. Reflections on the 2014 SOL Global Forum.

Night Hawks

Jantzen, J. and Kristensen, M. (2014) Household Energy Checks. International Journal of Engineering and Management, 6 (2). pp. 73-90. ISSN 0975-4490

Klima Kompasset, - (2014) Klimakompasset: Tjeklister til virksomheder. Manual. Københavns Kommune.

Kristensen, M and Jantzen, J (2014) Energiberegnere: Sænk nattetemperaturen og spar penge på energiregningen. Night Hawks.

Kristensen, M and Jantzen, J (2014) Energitjek i butikker: Kursushåndbog. Project Report. Night Hawks.

Kristensen, M and Jantzen, J (2014) Night Hawks spørgeskemaer. In: Energitjek i butikker.


Jantzen, J. and Kristensen, M. (2014) Household Energy Checks. International Journal of Engineering and Management, 6 (2). pp. 73-90. ISSN 0975-4490

Klaesener, A and Vulcano, A and Lucas, R and Jantzen, J and Fridleifsson, SI and Chatzimpiros, A and Komninos, K and López Suarez, E and Hernandez-Abad, M and Carlier-Wiart, S (2014) PROMISE Final Publishable Report. Project Report. PROMISE.


Larsen, G (2014) Reflektions. Reflections on the 2014 SOL Global Forum.

Renewable Energy Island -- Vedvarende Energi-Ø

Alley, R (2014) "Yes, In My BackYard" -- aka YIMBY! [Video]

Beomil, K (2014) Green Post Korea. [Video]

Dower, M (2014) Report on the conference. In: Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative, Feb. 2014, Brussels.

Energy Academy, - (2014) Local energy at Samsoe -- Lokal energi på Samsø. Documentation. Samso Energy Academy.

Energy Academy, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy Statutes -- Vedtægter for Foreningen Samsø Energiakademi. Documentation. Samso Energy Academy.

Fisher, E (2014) Legal limitations to clean community energy. Project Report. Surf Coast Shire.

Grundfos, - (2014) Green golf course is powered by the sun -- Solens stråler giver liv til grøn golfbane. [Video]

ISEP, - (2014) Schedule: Community Power Conference 2014 in Fukushima. In: Japan Community Power Conference, Feb. 2014, Fukushima.

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) Fossil Free Island -- Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

Lundén, M and Larsen, G (2014) Energy Academy Info Folder -- Energiakademiet info folder. Discussion Paper. The Energy Academy.

Lundén, M and Sloth, L and Wenzel, J (2014) The Energy Institute Logo -- Energiinstituttets logo. [Image]

Mutti, G (2014) Samsø: A Renewable Energy Island. [Video]

SMILEGOV, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy: Samsø island (Denmark). [Video]

Safian, Fanni (2014) The Synergies of Community Ownership, Renewable Energy Production and Locality – The Cases of Güssing and Samsø. Geographical Locality Studies, 2 (1). pp. 386-410. ISSN 2052-0018

Sanchez, M (2014) La aldea del futuro. MásDeco.

Urban, N and Demeo, A (2014) Nick Urban - Internship: Samsø's Energy Academy. [Video]

Urban, N and Garbers, B (2014) Net-Zero Bathroom Exhibit. Working Paper. Samso Energy Academy.

What's Up Productions, - (2014) ENERGY ACADEMY SAMSO: Portrait of Søren Hermansen. [Video]

aeidl, - (2014) 25 Promising Initiatives. In: Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative, Feb. 2014, Brussels.

Renewable energy island

Spear |, S. (2014) Samso: World’s First 100% Renewable Energy-Powered Island Is a Beacon for Sustainable Communities. Ecowatch.

Research -- Forskning

Baas, L and Magnusson, D and Mejía-Dugand, S and Pizano-Castillo, M (2014) Emerging enlightened selective self-interest trends in society: Consequences for demand and supply of renewable energy. Project Report. Linköping University.

Fisher, E (2014) Legal limitations to clean community energy. Project Report. Surf Coast Shire.

Urban, N and Demeo, A (2014) Nick Urban - Internship: Samsø's Energy Academy. [Video]


SMILEGOV, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy: Samsø island (Denmark). [Video]

SMILEGOV, - (2014) Sustainable energy actions in Cyprus municipalities: Cyprus Energy Agency Medeea project. [Video]

Samso Energy Academy -- Samsø Energiakademi

Alley, R (2014) "Yes, In My BackYard" -- aka YIMBY! [Video]

Bakmann, N (2014) Interview med Malene Lundén om lanceringen af Energiinstituttet. [Audio]

Beomil, K (2014) Green Post Korea. [Video]

Dower, M (2014) Report on the conference. In: Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative, Feb. 2014, Brussels.

Energy Academy, - (2014) Local energy at Samsoe -- Lokal energi på Samsø. Documentation. Samso Energy Academy.

Energy Academy, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy Statutes -- Vedtægter for Foreningen Samsø Energiakademi. Documentation. Samso Energy Academy.

Fisher, E (2014) Legal limitations to clean community energy. Project Report. Surf Coast Shire.

Grundfos, - (2014) Green golf course is powered by the sun -- Solens stråler giver liv til grøn golfbane. [Video]

ISEP, - (2014) Schedule: Community Power Conference 2014 in Fukushima. In: Japan Community Power Conference, Feb. 2014, Fukushima.

Jespersen, SL (2014) Kunsten at forske hos Samsø Energiakademi. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) Fossil Free Island -- Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

Lundén, M and Larsen, G (2014) Energy Academy Info Folder -- Energiakademiet info folder. Discussion Paper. The Energy Academy.

Lundén, M and Sloth, L and Wenzel, J (2014) The Energy Institute Logo -- Energiinstituttets logo. [Image]

Mutti, G (2014) Samsø: A Renewable Energy Island. [Video]

SMILEGOV, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy: Samsø island (Denmark). [Video]

Safian, Fanni (2014) The Synergies of Community Ownership, Renewable Energy Production and Locality – The Cases of Güssing and Samsø. Geographical Locality Studies, 2 (1). pp. 386-410. ISSN 2052-0018

Sanchez, M (2014) La aldea del futuro. MásDeco.

Urban, N and Demeo, A (2014) Nick Urban - Internship: Samsø's Energy Academy. [Video]

Urban, N and Garbers, B (2014) Net-Zero Bathroom Exhibit. Working Paper. Samso Energy Academy.

Wenzel, J (2014) Vejledning i brug af Energiinstituttet. Manual. Samso Energy Academy.

What's Up Productions, - (2014) ENERGY ACADEMY SAMSO: Portrait of Søren Hermansen. [Video]

aeidl, - (2014) 25 Promising Initiatives. In: Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative, Feb. 2014, Brussels.

Social Aktion Learning

Larsen, G (2014) Reflektions. Reflections on the 2014 SOL Global Forum.

The Energy Academy

Wenzel, J and Boll, C (2014) New Digital Platform for the Samsø Energy Academy. Working Paper. The Energy Academy. (Unpublished)

The Energy Institute

Wenzel, J and Boll, C (2014) New Digital Platform for the Samsø Energy Academy. Working Paper. The Energy Academy. (Unpublished)


Larsen, G and Lundén, M (2014) Elbiler på Samsø. In: Besøg på Energiakademiet.

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) El-biler på Samsø: Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 01:00:31 2024 CET.