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Number of items: 78.


ARTE, - (2014) Merete : L'énergie est l'affaire de tous - Sacrée croissance - ARTE. [Video]

Al Jazeera English, - (2008) Eco-island_Aug 27 2008. [Video]

Alley, R (2014) "Yes, In My BackYard" -- aka YIMBY! [Video]


BBC Electric Ride, - (2010) Wed 9th Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]

Bendix, O (2007) Vedvarende energi: Samsø. [Video]

Beomil, K (2014) Green Post Korea. [Video]


CleanSkiesNews, - (2010) Danish Island "CO2 Negative". [Video]

Cop15, - (2009) Samsø: Denmark's renewable energy island. [Video]


DardenMBA, - (2012) Sustainable Ways to Community Prosperity: Leading the Way to the Transatlantic Climate Bridge. [Video]

DenmarkDOTdk, - (2011) SAMSØ ENERGY ACADEMY. [Video]

Dobarro Delgado, L (2010) Seminario Martinica: Presentación del Proyecto INRES. [Video]


EPURON, - (2010) EPURON: Investing in Wind Energy. [Video]

EU Sustainable Energy Week TV, - (2012) Samsø 2.0. WINNER Managenergy Local Energy Action Award 2012. [Video]


Ferris, G (2000) Samsø Island Denmark self sufficient energy GEFerris. [Video]

Filmsight Productions, - (2010) The Next Frontier: Engineering the Golden Age of Green. [Video]

Fisher, D (2009) Samsø's energy independence. [Video]


Grot, H (2009) The Danish island of Samso: a model of energy self-sufficiency | Journal Reporter. [Video]

Grundfos, - (2014) Green golf course is powered by the sun -- Solens stråler giver liv til grøn golfbane. [Video]

grandviewadmissions, - (2013) Soren Hermansen, Danish expert in renewable energy. [Video]


Hermansen, A (2009) Samsø: the Energy Island -- Søren fra Samsø. [Video]

Hermansen, S (2009) Catching Energy Islands Spirit: Soren Hermansen. [Video]

Hermansen, S (2013) Commonity = common+community: Søren Hermansen at TEDxCopenhagenSalon. [Video]

Hermansen, S (2010) Info video on Renewable Energy Island -- Infovideo om Vedvarende Energi-Ø. [Video]

Hermansen, S (2011) Søren Hermansen on The 'Energy Positive' Island. [Video]


Ignite Denmark, - (2011) Malene Lundén og Søren Hermansen: Ignite #4. [Video]

Island Institute, - (2013) Weatherization Work on Vinalhaven. [Video]


Jespersen, SL (2014) Kunsten at forske hos Samsø Energiakademi. [Video]

Journeyman Pictures, - (2009) Green Nirvana: Denmark. [Video]

Journeyman Pictures, - (2009) Winds Of Change: Denmark. [Video]


KlimaTV, - (2010) Klimahelt på Roskilde. [Video]

Kristensen, M (2013) Michael Kristensen LHFORUM 2013 (ENG). [Video]


Larson, J (2009) Island in Denmark produces more energy than it consumes. [Video]

Link TV, - (2009) Earth Focus: Climate Change Special. [Video]

Lund, H (2011) Professor Henrik Lund on Denmark's Renewable Energy Strategy. [Video]

Lundén, M (2014) COA IslandInstitute. [Video]

Lundén, M (2012) Final Conférence of the Interreg IVB projekt Cradle To Cradle Islands. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Henrik Lund. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Iida Tetsunari. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Søren Hermansen. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Tim German. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Tor Nørretranders. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Voxpop 1. [Video]

Lundén, M (2011) Next Practice testimonies: Voxpop 2. [Video]

Lundén, M (2012) The Short Story: "Samsø The Energy Island". [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Arne Remmen @ Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Best to next Practice Symposium. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) El-biler på Samsø: Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Electric Cars - The electric car association on Samsoe 2014. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Erik Algreen-Petersen @ Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2014) Fossil Free Island -- Fossilfri Ø. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Gunnar Bøje Olesen @ Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Halfdan Muurholm @ Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Karen Blincoe @ Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2012) Open space: Samsø 2.0, Fællesskab & Fremtiden. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2012) Shared space: Samsø 2.0, Interessenter. [Video]

Lundén, M and Bo, F (2013) Tetsunari Iida @ Samsø Energy Academy. [Video]


Malene Lunden, ml (2017) It Stays on the Island. [Video]

Malene Lunden, ml (2017) Shared Space it stay on the Island. [Video]

Meijer, M (2011) Signature Samso English. [Video]

Ministeriet for By, Bolig og Landdistrikter, - (2012) Søren Hermansen, formand for Visionsgruppen for Landdistrikter. [Video]

Mutti, G (2014) Samsø: A Renewable Energy Island. [Video]


NOAHkanalen, - (2013) Danmark uden fossile brændsler. [Video]


SMILEGOV, - (2014) Samsø Energy Academy: Samsø island (Denmark). [Video]

SMILEGOV, - (2014) Sustainable energy actions in Cyprus municipalities: Cyprus Energy Agency Medeea project. [Video]

SolarDanmark, - (2011) Miljøpris til Søren Hermansen: Samsø Energiakademi. [Video]

Strand, K (2012) Interview med Søren Hermansen: miljøhelten på Samsø. [Video]

Stubkjær, L (2007) En ganske -- ualmindelig ø. [Video]


TVE, - (2012) Dinamarca: 40 años apostando por las energías renovables. [Video]

TVE, - (2012) ¿Qué es la eficiencia energética? [Video]

TVE, - (2012) Una isla danesa se autoabastece al 100% con energías renovables. [Video]

Tamalte, T (2012) Visit to Samso Energy Academie. [Video]

The Danish EU Presidency 2012, - (2012) Green Growth. [Video]

Tzu Chi DaAiVideo, - (2010) Sleepy island with furious green ideas. [Video]

tranberg, j (2006) Jørgen Tranberg om Vedvarende Energi-Ø. [Video]


Urban, N and Demeo, A (2014) Nick Urban - Internship: Samsø's Energy Academy. [Video]


What's Up Productions, - (2014) ENERGY ACADEMY SAMSO. [Video]

What's Up Productions, - (2014) ENERGY ACADEMY SAMSO: Portrait of Søren Hermansen. [Video]

Wilks, J and Møller, L (2008) Euronews: The Green Guru. [Video]

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 01:00:24 2025 CET.